Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Friends with Sewing Machines

What better way to spend a snowy holiday Sunday than sewing with friends? I have a new project and I needed a little push to get started so it was the perfect time for a Sewing Day.

I am making a wall hanging as a gift for some friends. It's sort of a surprise so I'm not going to say too much about it yet. It is based on a printed panel I bought. The panel came without any pattern or suggestion or idea for what to do with it. I spent some time surfing the internet and I was able to come up with a plan.

The panel has a nautical theme, and I found that there is a traditional quilt block called "Storm at Sea." I am going to place three Storm at Sea blocks underneath the panel and then put coordinating sashing around the panel and between and around the blocks. My inspiration came from this wall hanging I found on Pinterest. I knew right away it would be perfect. I don't know who made it.

Fortunately, Susan M agreed to meet me at the fabric store to help me pick out fabric. Actually, she insisted on being there. I'm glad she came because it was so helpful to have her input. She has such a good eye for color. She also helped me figure out how to make the panel and the blocks plus sashing fit together. You will see what we came up with in a future post.

Here are the fabrics I came home with
I made an inner border around the mystery panel, and then I started sewing the sashing pieces. They are actually rather difficult to cut and to sew.
Some of the sashing pieces in bad lighting. 
As I write this blog I am taking a good look at the sashing photo and the realization is dawning on me that I have probably pressed the sashing the wrong way. I don't think I can simply press them the other way because some of the seams overlap. I will have to see how it looks next to the batting. 

This is what happens when you are talking to your friends while sewing and working without a pattern or directions. :(

It wasn't all bad.

Susan M fixed a jacket. She shortened the sleeves and embellished it with molas!

Marilyn started a purse. She had some gorgeous Laurel Burch fabric.

Rebecca made a couple of blankets.

Sophia made progress on an adorable Elizabeth Hartmann quilt.

Susan DL experimented with knitting a kippah. Not a smashing success, but wouldn't it make a smashing tea cozy?

Now that I have started my project, I hope there will be enough momentum to keep me going without my support group.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry I missed it. Everyone else seems so productive, maybe it would have rubbed off on me!
