Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Allegro! - Allietare Week Two

Allegro! Step lively!

I HAD to get some more fabric. You know how that goes. A big snowstorm was coming, so I needed to get to the store before the storm blocked all the roads. I have my priorities.

This time I went to a real quilt shop, and the fabric I got was of better quality.

I just flew through Week Two's clue. I used the Companion Ruler for easy-peasy cutting of the rhomboid pieces. I really like these templates so much better than Marti Michell's templates, especially for this type of cutting.  These templates are one-size-fits-all. With the Marti Michell templates, you have to buy another set for every size, and when you use them you end up needing a little revolving cutting mat because you are always turning your pieces around.

Here is what I made:

How are these pieces going to come together at the end of the mystery?

Here is the link to the Allietare Link-Up Page for Week Two: Allietare Week 2 Link-Up


  1. Your enthusiasm is wonderful. I know just how that feels, to be super-into a project. Congratulations for finding and starting it!

  2. I am on the road (this time, in Florida on what purports to be a vacation) but have been reading your blog and following your adventures. What fun! Glad you went to a real quilt shop and bought -- the difference in quality is significant, even if the stuff looks the same. Thread count differs. These fabrics look beautiful - look forward to seeing how it turns out and then what you do to make it better - LOL.
